Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bed and Breakfast Concept Model-"Human Body as a Beautiful Structure"

This is my concept model that came from my module and textile pattern. This is my interpretation of the concept behind my design in 3-D. This shows my artist and my inspirational object with in the depot. The concept of this 3-D model is that "we all have this preconceived notion of the body as a strict structure that is universal to all and never changes. But the human body is so much more than that and the beauty of one's personality, curve, fluidity and motion breaks up this idea of the body as a universal structure never changing and shows that there is beauty with in". The universal structure aspect of the the concept relate to the wooded beams which are my inspiration of the depot and the beauty in the human body through curve represents Martin Blanks works of bright color and fluid, body like shapes. Displayed above are some images of the first model I came up with and then the bottom four are the images of the final concept more developed and revised. I really think that this model came together well and stays true to what my concept is all about. It visually explains the concept and I believe it will make for a great element in my final design of the bed and breakfast.


True Beauty Lies Within a Universal Structure

The wooden beams as my form giver show strong, structural support and represent a stable, unchanging form. In order to soften the look of the beams and to be able to further incorporate my idea of the human body as a beautiful, shapely structure, I worked from the beams textural like pattern. The beams were hand carved, with chunks shaven out of the beam. These wooden beams in the visitors center, demonstrate the stability, structure and shape of the human body as a universal structure unchanging.

There is a strong relationship between the beams and Blank’s work representing the human body through curve and shape. For me to show the relationship between the beams and the human body’s beautiful curve, I have the tear drop shapes in my model, which are demonstrating the individual, specific beauty that is present in the human body, but often unseen. This beauty acts as an interjection to the thought of the human body as an unchanging structure. This tear drop is to represent the beautiful curve, fluidity, movement and balance of the human body with in a structure.

Together, these two inspirations of the beams and the human body as a beautiful structure represent the human body as more than just the preconceived view of the body as a universal structure that is never changing and permanent. The beams, which show a strong stable form and yet have beauty to them portrayed through the textural pattern of the shavings. This pattern acts as the universal structure the human body appears to be. It’s not until you incorporate the tear drop shapes that interrupt this strong universal structure idea and evolve that structure into a beautiful form. The human body is a structure that is beautifully shaped by one’s personality, natural curve, movement and form.

With the wood strips being interrupted by the teardrop shapes, this further shows the body as more than a universal structure. The tear drops have the beautiful energetic color representing the beauty of the body, which helps to break up the idea of the body as a universal structure. This shows that beauty goes beyond a body’s structure, one that everyone has. Each person’s body and shape is special and specific to him and her. We must learn to step back and realize that there is more to structure than a universal shape.

With this concept that is demonstrated in this strong, abstract form, I am able to incorporate this in my design of the bed and breakfast and make for an over all aesthetically pleasing, interesting and comfortable design applied to all aspects of the over all design.