Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kitchen Design Board 1/2

This is my Gregory's Kitchen design that was designed based off of the concept model of the puzzle piece. This was basically a rough mock up of what the kitchen design board would contain with perspectives, materials of the kitchen, elevations, 3 sketches of architectural features, concept statement and the over all layout of the whole Gregory residence. This is what interior designers like to call a loose mock up which allows for change, revision and creativeness.

Child's Room Space Study Model

This is my white board space study model for my child's room that allows for development and a better space study of the design. Underneath the loft there is about a 6 foot by 10 foot space all for the twin boys to play and store their things. By constructing a small space study model in 1/4th inch scale you are able to see and experience the space much more effectively and make better decisions for the over all design.

Child's Room Concept Model

This is my child's room concept model that I developed off of another set of parti sketches. We were to develop a parti based off of a child's book and then from the parti sketch, develop a concept model. This time around, the thought process involved coming up with a parti sketch that was successful in explaining my concept statement was much easier for me. I learned that with time and experience you begin to think abstractly and you truly do become much better at it. The concept statement was how we all go through life and take what we learn from the good and the bad experience and apply them to the new good and bad experiences that come along. everything in this model is moving and growing. The ribbon represents "life" and the structure has 3 squares to it stacked on top of each other that are all bigger as they get higher.

Child's Room Board 1/2

These are my child's room design concept boards. They are my first design concept boards this year and they are very rough. I take this as a learning process and try to lean and grow so that I am able to make even better design boards in the future. Process involved with making these boards involves thought and skill. You have to have a creative mind to try and make your boards connect to your concept. Everything that is on your board, the colors the lay out, the design, the shape ultimately everything has to connect back to your concept. You also have to pay attention and give thought as to how you are going to present your design successfully so that the clients know what exactly you are thinking. This involves communication skills and also drawing, perspective and rendering skills.

Concept Development 3D Model

This is the 3D concept model that I produced from the concept parti. This represents "home" and how we all have hectic, busy and stressful lives outside of the home (hence the floating shapes). When we walk into our homes, we automatically feel at home, safe, comforted, and loved. Its like we are the puzzle piece to a puzzle. we fit in "like a puzzle piece" This is why I have this model showing all this shapes going into places they fit in perfectly.

Concept Development Parti Sketch 2D

This is an image of just one of the concept partis that I developed while trying to come up with a good abstract figure to represent my concept about home and fitting in. The successful part about this was that after all the time spent with exploring different ideas with partis, I was able to come to a good stop with this one. I feel that it best describes and represents my concept statement. The process involved with this was lengthy, but it was all worth it in the end. It takes time and allowing your brain to explore to come up with a good working concept. A weakness about this process was that it took me a while to develop this, being that I hadn't been used to this way of thinking. As I practice more with opening my mind and allowing my mind to explore and think abstractly, this becomes much easier. I feel a strength in this process was that my parti turned into an excellent 3-D model that then was a fun concept to design the Gregory's house from.